Learning never stops. JKA-Solvents and Glue®, developed by Jeremy Krauss, is an ingenious synthesis of the concepts of Feldenkrais, designed to reinvigorate you.

Unique yet simple movement sequences improve strength, stability and functional movement. The sequences break down movements (solvents) and then put them together in a way that improves mobility and strength (glue).  These sequences are performed from an upright position and improve posture while making sitting, standing, walking, dancing, running–virtually all movements– easier and more efficient.

Key to the method is improving the mobility of the pelvis.  The pelvis provides the power behind all your movements and actions. Solvents and Glue connects the pelvis to the spine, ribs and shoulders to promote better coordination, efficient movement, upright stability, and better balance.  Improved shoulder mobility and strength allows better skeletal alignment, leaving you feeling lighter and free.

Check out the workshop page or contact me to learn more.